Fast, safe and effective removal of skin imperfections, our Cryopen treatment can be administered to various areas on the face and body, helping to remove a range of skin lesions, including: skin tags, warts, verrucas, milia and cherry angiomas.
Cryopen for Skin Tags & Verrucas

Treatment results :
Blemish & Lesion Removal
Treatment time:
Under 30 Minutes
Treatment anaesthesia :
Treatment downtime :
Treatment frequency :
1-3 sessions
Price from:
About this Treatment
Tiered pricing per lesion for multiple lesions treated in the same session – please see individual areas for further details or book a consultation if you would like an expert to analyse your concerns and provide a full quote for multiple areas prior to booking.

Frequently Asked Question
Why have Cryopen treatments?
Cosmetic procedures for the removal of skin irregularities are no longer being treated by many doctors on the NHS. With our CryoPen specialist, you can now have these treatments performed safely and effectively at Beau Boutique.
Skin lesions such as: skin tags, verrucas, warts, cherry angioma and milia can affect anyone of any age. We will assess your concerns at a private consultation, examining the affected area before deciding if you are suitable for treatment with CryoPen.
How do Cryopen treatments work?
The CryoPen emits a fine jet of nitrous oxide under high pressure, which allows our specialist to work with millimetre precision. This destroys the tissue by freezing the intracellular fluid, forming ice shards and crystals which rupture the membrane, thereby destroying the cell. This means there will be no damage to surrounding healthy skin and tissue! It’s so incredibly accurate and practical that it’s the ideal treatment for quick and painless skin tag removal in Ashford at Beau Boutique.
One treatment session may be sufficient to permanently remove a single or small cluster of lesions, without bleeding or the need for an incision. However, those with darker skin tones may require between 3 and 6 sessions, performed every 2 weeks. This quick and effective treatment produces little discomfort and minimal recovery time, without the need for anaesthetic.
Is Cryopen lesion removal safe?
The CryoPen procedure is a relatively low risk treatment, as it delivers the N²O directly to the lesion on the skin, and not to the healthy surrounding tissues.
It is FDA and CE registere
Are Crypoen treatments painful?
The sensation you will feel will be similar to someone pushing a ball point pen on your skin.
This will be felt when the N²O reaches the bottom of the skin lesion.
After treatment there may be a small period where you have some residual stinging.
In very uncommon cases a small blister may occur for a few hours after.
Are there any side effects or risks?
Temporary redness and blistering may form at the treated site. It’s important not to pick at any crusts that may develop, in case of scarring. If it’s likely that the treated area may rub against clothing, you can apply a plaster or bandage.
What results can I expect?
For most removals, the Cryopen treatment provides a permanent removal after just a single session. Some lesions are harder to remove than others. Some deep lesions such as verrucas may take several sessions of treatment to remove fully and follow-up session prices will be provided at your initial appointment (usually 50% of original price).
Please note – although the treatment itself takes a very short amount of time we allow the extra time at your appointment for pre and post procedure consultation and rebooking any follow up sessions required.
Is this treatment suitable for children?
Please note we cannot treat any clients under 18 years of age for any of our blemish removal treatments.

Treatment Video

One treatment session may be sufficient to permanently remove a single or small cluster of lesions, without bleeding or the need for an incision. However, those with darker skin tones may require between 3 and 6 sessions, performed every 2 weeks. This quick and effective treatment produces little discomfort and minimal recovery time, without the need for anaesthetic.
Cryopen Removal Prices
Pigmentation / Age Spots
No. of sessions
Price for 1 x lesion is £60 then any additional lesions (of the same type) are £25 extra each when treated in the same session.
E.G. 3 x pigmentation/age spot treatments in the same session would be £60 + £25 + £25 = £110 total for the three
For most removals, the Cryopen treatment provides a permanent removal after just a single session. Some lesions are harder to remove than others. Some deep lesions such as verrucas may take several sessions of treatment to remove fully and follow-up session prices will be provided at your initial appointment (usually 50% of original price so in example above review appt would be £55 total).
Please note - although the treatment itself takes a very short amount of time we allow the extra time at your appointment for pre and post procedure consultation and rebooking any follow up sessions required.
Skin Tags / Milia / Blood Spots
No. of sessions
Price for 1 x lesion is £60 then any additional lesions (of the same type) are £25 extra each when treated in the same session.
E.G. 3 x skin tag/milia treatments in the same session would be £60 + £25 + £25 = £110 total for the three
For most removals, the Cryopen treatment provides a permanent removal after just a single session. Some lesions are harder to remove than others. Some deep lesions such as verrucas may take several sessions of treatment to remove fully and follow-up session prices will be provided at your initial appointment (usually 50% of original price so in example above review appt would be £55 total).
Please note - although the treatment itself takes a very short amount of time we allow the extra time at your appointment for pre and post procedure consultation and rebooking any follow up sessions required.
Verruca / Wart Removal
No. of sessions
Price for 1 x lesion is £100 then any additional lesions (of the same type) are £50 extra each when treated in the same session.
E.G. 3 x verruca treatments in the same session would be £100 + £50 + £50 = £200 total for the three
For most removals, the Cryopen treatment provides a permanent removal after just a single session. Some lesions are harder to remove than others. Some deep lesions such as verrucas may take several sessions of treatment to remove fully and follow-up session prices will be provided at your initial appointment (usually 50% of original price so in example above review appt would be £100 total).
Please note - although the treatment itself takes a very short amount of time we allow the extra time at your appointment for pre and post procedure consultation and rebooking any follow up sessions required.