Scarring (Hypertrophic)

Scarring occurs when the skin naturally repairs itself after damage or injury.

When the skin is torn or cut in some way the body goes into repair mode and produces collagen at the injured site to help pull the skin back together and permanently close the wound. Collagen is different from normal skin cells. It is paler in tone, and softer in texture. 

Scars, including hypertrophic scars, will usually start off red or purple in colour. Within a few weeks or months the scar will become lighter in colour, eventually becoming a silvery-white.  

About this Condition

Scarring comes in different forms, depending on the way in which the skin was damaged; whether it’s through a cut or burn. When we refer to hypertrophic scarring, we’re describing the scars that have continued to develop over several months, making the scar appear thick and overgrown.

An overgrown, hypertrophic scar occurs from the production of excess collagen at the injured site. This is an abnormal response to usual skin repair, however, it’s not uncommon. Although hypertrophic scarring can develop anywhere on the body where the skin has been damaged or torn, it is more likely to affect surgical scars or those that result from a burn. 

There are many ways that hypertrophic scarring can be treated. Surgically, the procedure is known as scar revision, but at Beau Boutique we may be able to do this non-surgically. Depending on the size and overall thickness of the scar, CryoPen may provide an effective solution. This works by using freezing temperatures to destroy unwanted tissues to leave behind the least amount of scarring.