Uneven Skin Tone / Dull Skin / Dry Skin

An uneven skin tone, dull skin and dry skin are common concerns that can affect the complexion simultaneously. These conditions will affect how your complexion looks and feels, often contributing an overall tired appearance. In many cases these concerns will form as you get older, which may be contributed to by a combination of biological, environmental and lifestyle factors. Caring for the skin requires a daily skincare routine that includes the use of a cleanser, toner, moisturiser and SPF – exfoliating once or twice a week. Products that are suited to your particular skin type will help to ensure the complex looks fresh, feels soft and remains smooth and supple.

About this Condition

As we progress through adulthood, we find that the body changes and doesn’t always perform as well as it used to.

This is also true of the skin. Strong, firm, bouncy skin loses its ability to expel dead skin cells at the rate it used to, and vital substances (such as collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid) decrease in production. This will happen naturally, but may be accelerated through certain influences, such as: smoking, alcohol, poor diet and the absence of a suitable skincare routine.

Sun exposure is another factor to consider in the development of an uneven skin tone, dull skin and dry skin, as UV rays will speed up the natural rate of ageing, as well as contributing to drying out the skin. If UV rays are allowed to penetrate the skin without adequate protection (SPF), it can lead to cellular damage and a subsequent change to the skin’s texture and tone.

Working to improve the look and feel of the complexion is Beau Boutiques speciality, and our experts can provide tailored advice to suit the needs of your skin. Our recommendations often suggest an on-going regime that includes the use of at-home skincare and in-office skin rejuvenation treatments.